衣服質(zhì)量不錯,價格實惠,按照尺碼選的,大小都合適。 服務態(tài)度好,客服特別要點贊譚磊,非常有耐心,效果圖都幫忙出了好幾版,因為趕著用,都幫忙加急處理了。
} Clothing quality is good, affordable, according to the size of the election, the size is appropriate. Good service attitude, customer service special points like Tan Lei, very patient, the effect diagram has helped out a few versions, because the rush to use, help expedited processing.
The seller's print levels are excellent! And very seriously! Really give the seller some praise. We look forward to continuing our cooperation.
從前期購買到logo 設計,老板都很熱情。當然衣服也不錯。物超所值。好評
From pre purchase to logo design, the boss is very enthusiastic. Of course, the clothes are not bad. Value for money. Praise