衣服非常不錯,物流很快,客服售后5服務很好 The clothes are very good, the logistics is quick, and the customer service and the 5 service are very good 量不錯,面料柔軟舒適,買3免1活動很劃算,謝謝客服飛燕的服務,熱情周到。 Well, the fabric is soft and comfortable, buy 3 free 1 good customer service thank you swallow, warm and thoughtful. 衣服非常好,老公很滿意。心溪客服服務更好!我很滿意! The clothes are very nice and my husband is satisfied. Heart stream customer service is better! I'm satisfied! 衣服顏色還行,質(zhì)地太薄,有臭味,因為退貨太麻煩,留著吧 The clothes are of the same color, the texture is too thin, and the smell is bad. Please leave it when the return is too much trouble 尺碼:尺碼合適。彈性效果:有彈性,。面料舒適度:面料非常舒服。做工:做工精致。透明度:衣服質(zhì)量真心不錯,價位也便宜,值得購買,非常滿意。 Size: right size. Elastic effect: elastic,. Fabric comfort: fabrics are very comfortable. Workmanship: exquisite workmanship. Transparency: the quality of clothing is really good, the price is also cheap, it is worth buying, very satisfied.
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