衣服挺好的,老爹穿上正合適,謝謝客服推薦的尺碼。 The clothes are great, Dad fits right. Thank you for the size recommended by the customer service. 衣服摸起來(lái)很舒服~老公比較喜歡這樣的料子。買了兩件一件給我爸 The clothes feel comfortable. My husband prefers this kind of material. I bought two pieces for my father 衣服摸起來(lái)很舒服~老公比較喜歡這樣的料子 The clothes feel comfortable. My husband prefers this kind of material 衣服收到,衣服很好很合身,非常滿意的一次購(gòu)物,好評(píng)! A well received dress, a perfect fit, a very satisfying purchase!