衣服輕薄柔軟,大小合適,穿著舒適,謝謝店家推薦的尺碼,比平時穿的尺碼要小一號 The clothes are light and soft, of the right size and comfortable to wear. Thank you for the size recommended by the store and smaller than usual 第二次買了,價格合適,輕巧舒服,老公很喜歡呢 Bought the second time, the price is right, light and comfortable, the husband likes it very much 很輕很薄,換季穿著剛剛好,質(zhì)量也很不錯。 Very light and very thin, wearing just a good season, the quality is also very good. 打開衣服,里面好多好多毛毛,不不知道是不是衣服掉毛造成的 Open the clothes, inside a lot of Maomao, do not know whether or not clothes caused by hair loss
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