太棒了,員工們穿著特別精神,過段時間天熱了還會再訂的!贊 That's great. The employees wear special spirit. They will be booked again after a period of hot weather! Fabulous 衣服收到了很好穿上很舒服,下次還會在來的,不記得拍照了收到就全部發(fā)給員工了 Clothes received very well, put on very comfortable, and next time will come, do not remember to take pictures, received all the staff 感覺不錯,買了好幾件,長的短的都買了,就是沒有4加的,我們這有個太胖穿不了?? Feeling good, bought a few pieces, long, short bought, that is, there is no 4 plus, we have a fat, can not wear? 雖然質(zhì)量還行,買來店慶的,店慶開始了三天,才到,客服客氣,我就算了,下次不再這樣的。 Although the quality is OK, buy anniversary, anniversary began three days before, customer service at all, even if I had, it no longer next time.
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