貨到了,顏色沒有圖片上好看,懶的換了就瞎穿吧!不過價錢實惠,賣家生意越做越好,好評加5分 The goods arrived, the color did not look good on the picture, lazy changed, blind wear! However, the price is reasonable, the seller's business is better and better, and praise plus 5 points 夏季上班專屬!極力推薦!20多塊,等于70元80元料子和款式,料子很好,很滑爽,尺碼很準合身!穿上立馬變成男模!棒棒的!又便宜又漂亮,又精神!贊! Summer work exclusive! Strongly recommend! More than 20, equal to 70 yuan 80 yuan of material and style, material is very good, very smooth, accurate size! Put on it immediately and become a male model! Bang bang! Cheap, beautiful, and spiritual! Fabulous! 已經(jīng)好幾年在你們家買衣服了,便宜實惠,穿著也蠻舒服的, It's been a few years since I bought clothes in your house. It's cheap, affordable and comfortable to wear,
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